C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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202 lines
TITLE disk_io.c.
This module cotains a functions which interface either
directly with DOS or BIOS in order to perform disk i/o.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
extern union REGS inregs,outregs;
extern int drive,track,sector,head,sect_size;
/*-----------------Function Prototypes----------------------*/
void disk_recal(int);
int disk_reset(void);
int disk_read(int,int,int,int,char *,int);
int disk_write(int,int,int,int,char *,int);
int disk_seek(int,int,int,int);
int disk_format(int,int,int *,int,int,int,int);
void disk_test(int,int,int,int);
** Declare all disks uninitialised, and init track,sector
** and head info.
int disk_reset() {
inregs.h.ah = 0;
return outregs.x.ax;
** Read nsect's into *bufptr.
** Up to five retries are made if an error occurs. Register
** ax returns the error code.
int disk_read(drv,trk,sect,hd,bufptr,nsect)
int drv,trk,sect,hd,nsect; char *bufptr; {
struct SREGS segregs;
int i,j,reg_ax,cflag;
char far *longptr;
longptr = (char far *)(bufptr);
for (j = 0; j < nsect; j++) {
for (i = 2; i > 0; i--) {
segregs.es = FP_SEG(longptr);
inregs.x.bx = FP_OFF(longptr + j * sect_size);
inregs.h.ah = 2;
inregs.h.al = 1; /* read one sector at a time */
inregs.h.dl = drv;
inregs.h.dh = hd;
inregs.h.ch = trk;
inregs.h.cl = sect + j;
reg_ax = outregs.x.ax; /* save the status */
cflag = outregs.x.cflag;
if (!cflag) break; /* no error */
disk_recal(drv); /* try to recover the error */
if (cflag) {
j = (j ? 0 : j - 1); /* back up to sector before bad one*/
disk_seek(drv,trk,sect+j,hd); /* return to last position */
return (!cflag ? 0 : reg_ax); /* return error in ax */
Write nscet's from *bufptr.
Up to five retries are made if an error occurs. Register
ax returns the error code.
int disk_write(drv,trk,sect,hd,bufptr,nsect)
int drv,trk,sect,hd,nsect; char *bufptr; {
struct SREGS segregs;
int i,j,reg_ax,cflag;
char far *longptr;
longptr = (char far *)(bufptr);
for (j = 0; j < nsect; j++) {
for (i = 2; i > 0; i--) {
segregs.es = FP_SEG(longptr);
inregs.x.bx = FP_OFF(longptr + j * sect_size);
inregs.h.ah = 3;
inregs.h.al = 1; /* write one at a time */
inregs.h.dl = drv;
inregs.h.dh = hd;
inregs.h.ch = trk;
inregs.h.cl = sect + j;
reg_ax = outregs.x.ax; /* save the status */
cflag = outregs.x.cflag;
if (!outregs.x.cflag) break;
disk_recal(drv); /* try to recover the error */
if (cflag) {
j = (j ? 0 : j - 1); /* back up to sector before bad one*/
disk_seek(drv,trk,sect,hd); /* return to last position */
return (!cflag ? 0 : reg_ax); /* return error in ax */
** Seek to track ,sector and head.
int disk_seek(drv,trk,sect,hd)
int drv,trk,sect,hd; {
struct SREGS segregs;
int i,reg_ax;
inregs.h.ah = 4;
inregs.h.al = 1;
inregs.h.dl = drv;
inregs.h.dh = hd;
inregs.h.ch = trk;
inregs.h.cl = sect;
return (outregs.x.ax); /* return status */
** Format a track according to the Alien Disk parameters
int disk_format(fdrive,ftrack,skew,fhead,fbytes,fsect,nsect)
int fdrive, ftrack, *skew, fhead, fbytes,fsect,nsect; {
struct SREGS segregs;
int i,reg_ax;
char format_buf[256];
char far *fptr;
fptr = format_buf;
for (i = fsect; i <= nsect; i++) { /* build the format table IBM Tech 5-56 */
*fptr++ = ftrack;
*fptr++ = fhead;
*fptr++ = *(skew + i);
*fptr++ = fbytes;
fptr = format_buf;
for (i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
inregs.x.bx = FP_OFF(fptr); /* seg:off of format table */
segregs.es = FP_SEG(fptr);
inregs.h.ah = 5; /* format function */
inregs.h.dl = fdrive;
inregs.h.dh = fhead;
inregs.h.ch = ftrack;
if (!outregs.x.cflag) return (0);
reg_ax = outregs.x.ax; /* save the status */
disk_recal(fdrive); /* try to recover the error */
return (reg_ax); /* return error in ax */
** A simple Disk Test performing a verify on the sector.
void disk_test(drv,hd,trk,sect) char drv,hd,trk,sect; {
inregs.h.ah = 4; /* just verify */
inregs.h.al = 1; /* just read one sector */
inregs.h.dl = drv;
inregs.h.dh = hd;
inregs.h.ch = trk;
inregs.h.cl = sect;
void disk_recal(drv) int drv; {
inregs.h.ah = 4;
inregs.h.al = 1; /* just read one sector */
inregs.h.dl = drv;
inregs.h.dh = 0;
inregs.h.ch = 0;
inregs.h.cl = 1;